
Updated website!

It had to happen: we updated our website and in the process we also implemented the newest Ghost blogging engine...

Updated website!

After 6 years of no change it had to happen! We updated our website and the accompanying back-end server based on Node.js/Express/Handlebars. As you can see we also extended our blogging capabilities by implementing the newest version of the awesome open source, on Node.js/Javascript based, blogging engine Ghost in our website setup. And in the whole process we also implemented everything in docker containers. :-)

History: Our website setup

Our first website (created somewhere in 1994) was based on plain HTML/Apache and morphed via Apache/PHP/HTML (and later also using client based Javascript with AJAX and Ext.js) to Node.js/Express/HTML with client and server using Javascript as the programming language.

After the last complete overhaul one thing was still missing: a blogging engine. Searching through the dark voids of the internet we found one heck of an blogging engine totally based on Javascript and Node.js. It was called Ghost. The only problem was that it was almost impossible to integrate the server code of '''' with the Ghost code at that point in time.

Three releases of Ghost later the development team of Ghost implemented a REST API to use Ghost in other (not only Node.js) applications. So here it is!!! :-)


Adding Ghost to an existing Node.js/Express web server application is in essence very easy if you know what to change in your existing code and if you use the Ghost API development kit.